Cette table ronde, organisée par le CHRIM (centre d’histoire internationale et d’études politiques de la mondialisation), réunissait plusieurs intervenant·e·s invité·e·s autour d’une discussion du nouvel ouvrage codirigé par Pierre Singaravélou et Sylvain Venayre : L’histoire du monde au XIXe siècle[1]. Les deux codirecteurs souhaitaient par ce livre présenter une nouvelle façon de parler du XIXe siècle. Partant d’une rencontre ...
Burkini and Orientalism Neither the term Orient nor the concept of the West has any ontological stability; each is made up of human effort, partly affirmation, partly identification of the Other. – Edward Said If women’s liberation is connected to their ability to wear bright clothing, capitalist consumerism becomes a disturbing component of feminism. ...
“If we go back 100 years and look through the newspapers, we see what arguments the colonial powers of that time advanced to justify their expansion into Africa and Asia (…) They cited arguments such as playing a civilizing role, the particular role of the white man, the need to civilize ‘primitive peoples.’ If we replace the term ...
Rather than a presumed “awakening” and contrary to a form of “presentism”, which consists on the vision of an ever changing and “eternal Middle East” (Davis, 2009); the Arab uprisings were a continuation of protests that have broken out in the region since nearly thirty years (Gelvin, 2016: 334). Indeed, before the 2011 uprisings, the Arab world had gone ...
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