Introduction Announced as the “Chinese era”, the 21st century is revealing the singular role endorsed by Asia as the new “center of gravity of world politics”[1]. Moved by the quest of leadership, a wide range of actors (States and economic conglomerates) is divided by resilient rivalries. Southeast Asia is greatly influenced by alien foreign policies ...
Il fut un temps où les royaumes se livraient à une course effrénée dans le but d’accumuler du pouvoir, par un savant mélange de mariages, conquêtes armées et héritages – situation que l’on peut qualifier d’ordre dynastique. Cet ordre se caractérisait par la volonté des rois de conquérir de nouveaux territoires ; mécanisme constituant un élément central des relations ...
Monique Pinçon-Charlot et Michel Pinçon sont deux sociologues français·e·s ayant consacré la plus grande partie de leur carrière académique à l’étude de la haute bourgeoisie, française d’abord, puis européenne et mondiale. Cette conférence intitulée Les nouveaux Prédateurs, Main basse sur notre avenir, fait état des analyses de trente années de recherche au sujet de cette classe dominante. D’abord ...
As illustrated by the annual Oxfam report An Economy for the 1% dating from the 18th January 2016, the richest 1% of the world population now possesses as much wealth as the rest of the world combined. This fact indicates that wealth is accumulating in fewer and fewer hands, leading to deepening severe inequalities as well as to ...
I. Introduction Throughout history, many people discussed what is a just war, and when is it just to resort to violence. Most of the academic work aimed to come up with a standardized framework regarding the just conditions to use force. In the 21st century, we believe international law is the flag bearer ...
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