Crimes of Peace : how ‘migrants’ are deshumanized through bureaucratic procedures and dominant institutional discourses

This paper is a review of the book Crimes of Peace : Mediterranean Migrations at the World’s Deadliest Border of Maurizio Albahari (2015). I begin with a short summary that emphasizes its key arguments. In a second part, I analyze through various anthropological notions, the first and last chapters of the book. Finally, I shortly expose my own ...

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Révolution d’Octobre 1917 : Héritage historique et artistique

Intervention de Stefanie Prezioso, Professeure d’histoire à l’Institut d’études politiques historiques et internationales (IEPHI) et de Lada Umstätter, conservatrice du Musée d’Art et Histoire (MAH) de Genève, lors d’une conférence portant sur l’héritage historique et artistique laissé par la Révolution d’Octobre 1917. Cette conférence a été organisée conjointement par le Comité de Science Politique de Lausanne (COSPOL) et ...

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Informal Apartheid

The purpose of this following article is to share some of the observations I made during my one month stay in Cape Town, in January 2017. Indeed, I will share with you some of the most turning points, analyzed with my ‘’Swiss student in sociology’’ skills. Therefore, I am totally aware of the subjectivity of my remarks, and ...

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No Representation without Taxation

As illustrated by the annual Oxfam report An Economy for the 1% dating from the 18th January 2016, the richest 1% of the world population now possesses as much wealth as the rest of the world combined. This fact indicates that wealth is accumulating in fewer and fewer hands, leading to deepening severe inequalities as well as to ...

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